Love and Food in Unsettled Times

Dear Friends,

We hope that this finds you and yours safe and sound during these uncertain times. The arrival of the first day of spring reminds us that time moves forward, seasons change, and new life is born.

The farm is continuing with our full spring planting schedule, in hopes that the weather will be good and harvests bountiful. As a farm, it has always been our mission to provide fresh, nutritious food to members of our community. The current situation in which we all find ourselves offers no exception to this mission.  We are striving to increase awareness around health and safety on the farm, just as you all are doing at home.  We have implemented additional measures of hygiene in our production work flow and are exploring creative ways to increase access to local food if farmers markets remain closed.

We are reminded during this time that the practice of love and compassion is some of the most important work in which we engage as humans.  If you are one of our customers or CSA members who has lost their source of income or is food insecure during this time, PLEASE reach out to the farm.  We will do our best to support you.

If you feel more confident in your resources, please consider helping your neighbor by contributing to our cost share program.  You can do this in two ways:

1-by visiting the store on our website and purchasing one of the cost share items (this is a great route for you if you have already signed up for the CSA or if you do not plan to join the CSA this season)  Go directly to our online store here,  or

2-by adding a cost share membership to your CSA share when you sign up through the Harvie platform Sign up for the CSA and contribute here

One of the best ways to support the farm during this time is to join the CSA.  Your membership secures your share in the season's harvest while providing some financial stability for the farm during these shifting times.  For the 2020 season, the farm has partnered with Harvie, an online software platform, which allows our members to customize their weekly CSA box.  You can read more about Harvie and the CSA HERE.

Harvie also gives us the option to offer weekly pay-as-you-go produce boxes through the website's Farm Stand option.  Through the Farm Stand option we may offer pre-season boxes for a Saturday pick up at the farm or in Boone if farmers markets remained closed.  If you sign up for the CSA, we will automatically add you to the Farm Stand list.  No need to sign up for both.

Sign Up for the CSA or Farm Stand Here

Please feel free to reach out directly with questions, comments, thoughts or concerns.  The best way to contact the farm is directly through email:

In the mean time, take care of yourself and those closest to you.  Don't forget to connect with the living, health-giving natural world. Can you find time to breathe deeply, enjoy the flight of birds with the breeze touching your face, or share a cup of tea with your partner or your kids?  No matter how difficult the present, our collective love and compassion for each other will build resiliency into the fabric of our community far into the future.

Much love and well wishes,
Holly, Andy, Bea, Corva and the ATG Crew