Why Join a CSA?

Everyone has different motives for where they choose to purchase their groceries, but one thing we've come to understand is that people generally want to eat healthy food and support local farms and economy. 

Joining a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program is great way to achieve both of these goals in one simple act. 

At it's heart, a CSA is a way for community members to "invest" (in the form of their membership dues) in a farm at the beginning of the season when the farm typically incurs a majority of its annual expenses. In exchange for that investment, members are guaranteed the freshest, highest quality products that the farm produces. This type of relationship is at the heart of the local food movement and is the material which the fabric of local economies and communities is woven. Food is no longer anonymous, and instead becomes the currency of relationships and culture.

Join us this season and we’ll deliver shares of farm-fresh produce customized to your personal preferences!

Join ATG's CSA HERE to get started!