
We raise a broad spectrum of certified Biodynamic and Organic vegetables, with farm-made compost as the foundation of our soil-building practices.  We source certified Organic seeds, when available, and raise all of our own transplants from seed in our passive solar greenhouse.  We do not grow any GE (genetically engineered) crops on our farm and raise all of the products that are sold at our Farmer's Market booth and included in our CSA shares.


Our focus at Against the Grain is to build and nurture the soil, as we believe that the soil is the source of a healthy farm ecosystem and nutrient dense food, and in turn, healthy farmers and a healthy community.  Our approach to soil fertility involves on-farm composting, cover cropping, under-sowing, mulching and crop rotation. In 2013, we were introduced to Biodynamic farming practices, which immediately resonated with us as a holistic approach to farming.  A Biodynamic approach involves creating a diverse and balanced farm ecosystem through on-farm fertility cycling, working with natural and cosmic rhythms, and utilizing preparations consisting of fermented manure, herbs and minerals.  Learn more about Biodynamics here.